We do well cleaning, maintenance, and rehabilitations to keep perfomance yield and lifetime of wells.
We bulid and design water storage tanks, water pipe conduction systems, pumping houses, and more.
Enables the correct indentification of aquifers and geological formations of the sub- soil.
Geophysics studies for geological layer formation composition to indentify better underground water conditions.
Geotec is the premier provider in Bolivia for production wells, providing water for resdidential, villages, irrigation, commercial and industrial sites. Geotec also provides wells for brine production, exploration wells for mineral and brine. Our trained drilling operators and support staff, along with our modern drilling technology and equipment, allows us to serve Bolivia providing safe and clean water supplies.
Geotec provides well construction and drilling, cleaning and maintenance for water wells, foundation pile drilling, guide wells, blast hole, and mining exploration in the bolivian territory with base on Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Our commitment to continous improvement and modern operating practices is unequaled in Bolivia.
Therefore, we are commited to:
GEOTEC is the water well drilling leading company in the market complying with the highest international quality standards, reflected in our ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certification granted by the Bolivian Quality and Normalization Institute. We have implemented a Quality Management System according to the NB/ISO 9001:2015 Quality Standard.
You can contact us by filling the form or you can reach us at: